Wednesday, August 3, 2011

1. Steel fiber details

Harde provides stainless steel and galvanized steel engineering fiber for construction in various types and sizes. For over a decade, we have been concentrating on development and manufacture of steel fiber and steel band products.

Choose from the following list to learn more about our commodities. A more complete description of these products is also available.

Steel Fiber General Description

Supplying concrete fibres, mainly Metallic fibres. Metallic fibres include low carbon cold drawing steel fibres, stainless steel fibre, and sheet steel fibres etc. We have types of Hooked Ends, Corrugation, Flat Ends and Micro steel fiber etc.

Steel Fiber
Steel fibres are filaments of wire, deformed and cut to lengths, for reinforcement of concrete, mortar and other composite materials. It is a cold drawn wire fibre with corrugated and flatted shape. It is often used to instead of Xorex steel fiber.

- cellar walls - slabs on
vibrocompacted piles - pavements
- liquid tight floors - jointless floors
- jointless floors on - industrial floors
vibrocompacted piles - overlays
- outdoor slabs - piles
- foundation slabs - segmental linings
- suspended ground slabs
- composite slabs


Fiber length (mm): 38 (1.5”)
Equivalent Diameter (mm): 1.0±0.03
Tensile strength: (Mpa ±5%): 850
The thickness of fiber is 0.5mm and width is 1.4mm

Fiber length (mm): 50(2”)
Equivalent Diameter (mm): 1.0±0.03
Tensile strength: (Mpa ±5%): 850
The thickness of fiber is 0.5mm and width is 1.4mm

Steel fiber specification can be made according to requirement.

Major Product Index:

Straight Steel Fiber

Product Description:
The cold-rolled strip steel products are made from cutting. Stainless steel fiber has high tensile strength and it can be easily dispersed, and can be easily integrated with the concrete.

Stainless steel fiber is widely used and the main parameters as follows:
Fiber length: 25-35mm
Fiber diameter: 0.3-0.7mm
Tensile strength:≥650MPa

Stainless steel fiber is made in accordance to the country standard YB/T151-1999 Standard for Steel Fibers for Concrete Uses, and the JG/T3064-1999 Standard of Steel Fiber for Concrete Building Industry.

Packing: We can provide package according to our customers’ specifications. Stainless steel fiber can be packed in one-layer of plastic and two-layer paper bags or boxes. The weight is 20kg per bag, or per customers request.

Indentation Steel Fiber

We offer steel fiber for concrete mixing to enhance the strength.
Indentation steel fiber is widely used and the main parameters as follows:
Fiber length: 25-35mm
Fiber diameter: 0.3-0.7mm
Tensile strength:≥650MPa

Steel fiber is made in accordance to the country standard YB/T151-1999 Standard for Steel Fibers for Concrete Uses, and the JG/T3064-1999 Standard of Steel Fiber for Concrete Building Industry.

Hooked Ends Steel Fiber

Steel fiber with hooked ends is made using high-quality low-carbon steel wire. A kind of high-performance steel fiber, with the characteristics of the high tensile strength, good toughness, low prices, etc. The product is widely used in concrete strengthening.

Hooked ends steel fiber is made in accordance to the country standard YB/T151-1999 Standard for Steel Fibers for Concrete Uses, and the JG/T3064-1999 Standard of Steel Fiber for Concrete Building Industry.

Classify your order for hooked ends steel fiber:
Wire Diameter (mm)
Fiber Length (mm)
Tensile Strength(Mpa) of Steel Fiber


  1. That's really a good idea. Thanks for sharing this useful information with us.You can contact Precision Drawell Pvt Ltd website for Steel Fiber In Flooring.

  2. steel fibre reinforced concrete . is used in reinforce monolithic refractories against thermal and mechanical shock by reducing cracking and spilling susceptibility.

  3. Your article was very impressive. Steel fibre is cold drawn steel wire fiber crafted from high quality. For More Detail Visit Here : Steel fibre

  4. Thanks for this post. To provide utltimate strength and resistance to the cement steel fibre reinforced concrete has been used.

  5. Fibre in concrete is used to control plastic shrinkage cracking and drying shrinkage cracking.

  6. Stainless Steel Fibre is used in reinforce monolithic refractories against thermal and mechanical shock. If you want to buy it online so visit PRISICION DRAWELL.

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